One way to combat burnout is to take time to physically rest. Jesus took naps! But, what about when you can't stop and physically rest? What about when God tells you to keep going? How can you be at rest even then?
Read MoreWhat if the way you need to be more like Jesus is to slow down?
Read MoreWhen you incorporate self-care rituals into the spiritual practice of rest, you can recognize that sometimes it's God's hands caring for you not our own.
Read MoreHow do we amplify rest in our lives when we live in a culture transfixed with amplifying unrest? How do we turn off our anxious thoughts and fears? It’s simple but not easy.
Read MoreJesus took time to rest with His Father. And not once does Scripture record that He felt guilty about taking time away from others to do it. So why do some parents feel guilty or selfish for making time to rest with Him each day.
Read MoreSometimes we hold a narrow view of rest that focuses on self-care rituals and vacations. This perspective puts rest in the luxury item column and implies that rest needs ideal circumstances to occur.
Read MoreThroughout Scripture, the Lord tells His people “to remember” over and over again. When we make the practice of remembering an active part of our lives, we can live our lives from a place of rest.
Read MoreThe world’s pace is full of predictable deadlines that provide a rhythm of comfort in the repetition of routine. But, the Lord’s pace is different.
Read MoreGod rested first. Then later His Son gave us a real-world example of how to balance a busy work schedule and rest. Our work and our rest both matter to God, but He made only one holy.
Read MoreWinter reminds me that even nature needs time to rest and retreat to its roots. And while we can’t see what God is doing to the trees, we can trust that Spring will come.
Read MoreBefore the pace of your schedule breaks you, start breaking it down minute-by-minute and giving it to Jesus. Commit to spending 14 minutes of your day RESTING in Him rather than STRIVING in the world.
Read MoreMany of us get caught up and overwhelmed at the size of our lists. We have no idea how we will get it all done. When we don’t, we feel like we failed or vow to work even harder and for more hours of the day.
Read MoreDo you know that rest is one of God’s gifts to us? Resting in Him, in His creation, in His blessings, in His comfort. Not because of what we do but because of who calls us His.
Read MoreForget about who wears the pants in your family. Instead ask yourself: Who wears the crown?
Read MoreEven Jesus felt tired at times. If He hadn’t taken the time to REST by the well, the Samaritan woman never would have met Jesus.
Read MoreAnxiety feeds us lies about the limits of what the Lord can do and keeps us distracted from His goodness, His faithfulness, His deliverance, His love for us.
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