Combat Burnout with Rest & Movement
Let me guess: You feel burned out. In the US, I would be right 76 percent of the time. That's how many people admit to feeling burned out. One way to combat burnout is to take time to physically rest. Jesus took naps! But, what about when you can't stop and physically rest? What about when God tells you to keep going? How can you be at rest even then?
Take a look:
Think About It
Watch the video above and then identify areas in your life where you experience burnout, maybe it's your job, finances, parenting, your health.
Based on Elijah's response when he felt burned out, what step can you take towards rest? Do you need to run to God and talk with Him? Do you need to accept His offer of rest? Do you need to listen for the movement He wants you to take instead of making those decisions on your own?
Create space in your schedule to turn to God and seek His next steps for your life. Try starting with this prayer:
Need more rest? Join the club.
Well, it’s not an actual club with a free secret decoder ring, but you will receive a digital download of my 4-Day Devotional, Simplifying Rest, as a free gift. It’s a sneak peak of my 28-day devotional, Simplifying Rest. Plus, once a month I’ll send you encouragement and resources to help you get the rest you need. YES! I need more rest!