Who Sets Your Pace?
Move faster. Do more. Work on the weekends. Fill up your schedule. Say YES when asked to fit something else on your plate. That’s how you will achieve success. That’s how you know you are worthy. That’s how you know other people need you. That’s how you know you won’t disappoint the people who depend on you. Push. Push Push.
Maybe. But at what cost? Maybe. If you agree with how the world defines you.
During His earthly ministry, Jesus was known for a lot of things, being in a hurry wasn’t one of them. He moved at His pace, not the pace of the world.
Who (or what) is setting your pace? The world? Or Jesus?
What if the way you need to be more like Jesus is to slow down? Need help discovering how to make the spiritual practice of rest part of your everyday living? My devotional, Simplifying Rest, can help.
Need more rest? Join the club.
Well, it’s not an actual club with a free secret decoder ring, but you will receive a digital download of my 4-Day Devotional, Simplifying Rest, as a free gift. It’s a sneak peak of my 28-day devotional, Simplifying Rest. Plus, once a month I’ll send you encouragement and resources to help you get the rest you need. YES! I need more rest!