4 ways to Slow Down and Get More Rest

Even before this pandemic shifted so much of our daily routines and rituals and blurred the lines between our work lives and home lives and school lives so many Christians struggled with feeling overworked, overwhelmed, and honestly just tired of being tired. In my ministry role, I heard from so many people who were approaching their lives, their relationships, their giftings from a place of exhaustion.

This living in a constant state of exhaustion - mentally, physically, emotionally - isn't pretty. It’s not productive. It’s not joyful. And it’s definitely not the kind of life the Lord created you to live. 

In John 10:10, Jesus says “I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance.” Jesus was talking about you!  Learning how to live your life from a posture of resting in the Lord and His plans for your life is a process of small daily choices that begin to make a difference over time.

The 1 Percent Offering of Time

It’s not complicated. The world won’t break if you take time to rest but it will break you if you don’t. So what would it look like if you committed 1 percent of your day to slowing down and resting in the Lord? 1 percent. That’s only 14 minutes a day.

Before the pace of your schedule breaks you, start breaking it down first, minute-by-minute, and giving it to Jesus. Commit to spending 14 minutes of your day RESTING in Him rather than STRIVING in the world.

Let Jesus Get a Hold of Your Time

Consider this familiar story: “Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many? … Jesus then took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed to those who were seated as much as they wanted. He did the same with the fish.” -John 6:9,11 NIV

That boy’s small lunch didn’t become a miracle until Jesus got a hold of it to feed thousands! Imagine what He can do with your offering of time. Give Him 14 minutes and see how He feeds your heart and mind and soul with His rest and peace.

I put together four biblical ways to get started.

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4 Simple & Biblical Ways to Rest Better

#1. Rest by Remembering What God Has Done
Keep a Gratitude Journal
Time Commitment:
4 minutes

In Scripture, God tells His people over and over again to remember what He has done. (Deuteronomy 6:12 is one example.) He knows how forgetful and easily distracted people are--and not just people in biblical times. Taking the time to write down three things that you are thankful for each day gives you spiritual breadcrumbs of God’s presence and provision in your life when you forget your way. This practice can help you REST in confidence that the Lord provides and cares for you because you created a written history of His relationship with you. Plus, the research shows that keeping a gratitude journal lowers stress and helps people sleep better. 

You can do this at any time of the day but the key is to write it down. If you are a parent, consider making this part of your dinner routine as a family. Begin to chart God’s provision and blessings for your family.

#2. Rest Better By Meditating on His Word
Listen to The Daily Still Podcast or the Bible App
Time Commitment: 10 minutes

Psalms 1 holds a beautiful promise for those who meditate on His word. We find spiritual stability and the Lord’s blessings. When we meditate on His Word, we gain a deeper understanding of who He is and who He calls us to be. 

In The Daily Still Podcast, the host leads listeners on a short devotional-style guided meditation based on the Word of God. Or you can listen to the audio version of the Psalms on the Bible App.

#3: Rest Better by Worshiping Him
How: Listen to Worship Music
Time Commitment: 5-11 minutes

Rest can come from pouring out praise to the Lord. When we pour out a praise offering to Him, we remind ourselves of who He is and who we are in Him. He is good. He is in control. He is merciful. He is compassionate and kind. He is just. He is provider. He is love. He calls you His. 

What I’m listening to right now:

  • Peace by Anna Golden (5 minutes)

  • Be Still by Red Rocks Worship (8:28 minutes)

  • Rest by Kari Jobe Live at The Belonging Company (11 minutes)

#4: Rest Better by Praying
How: Talk to God
Time Commitment: 4 minutes

The Lord bends down to hear your prayers. He will slow you down and lead you to a place of rest and peace, regardless of your circumstances. Try this Simplifying Rest prayer every day and see where He leads you.

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Need more rest? Join the club.

Well, it’s not an actual club with a free secret decoder ring, but you will receive a digital download of my 4-Day Devotional, Simplifying Rest, as a free gift. Plus, the 4th of each month I’ll send you 4 resources to help you get the rest you need. YES! I need more rest!