Creating at God's Pace

I’m learning to create and write at God’s pace. I’ve written and published at the world’s pace since my first official “I-can-make-a-living-being-a-writer-even-though-everyone-said-I-should-major-in-business-so-take-that-naysayers” article hit the newsstands in Southern Living magazine when I was 22. And, yeah, I’m not 22 anymore.

The world’s pace is full of predictable deadlines that provide a rhythm of comfort in the repetition of routine. And this INFJ, Enneagram 1 LOVES the editorial calendar. LOVES. IT.

But, the Lord’s pace is different. He moves slowly until He doesn’t. So I need to pay close attention to where and how He leads me. This means sticky notes of content get moved around or removed or added as I lean in and listen to Him.

Writing at His pace includes invitations to step away from the work of writing and step into the breathing space of writing - the space where His Spirit hovers over the waters of words and forms them into His sentences and His messages, not our own.

Rest Is Found in His Pace

His pace teaches me more about resting in both Him and the assignment He gave me as a writer and creative. Writing at His pace is why I am self-publishing my 28-Day Devotional on Rest. So I can put into practice what He reveals about His rest and create at His pace. My book comes out this summer and I am already praying that people will encounter Him and His pace for living through this book. And that people will encounter the courage to follow His pace for the assignments He gives each of us to complete. (Fellow writers and creatives: I am talking to you.)

BTW: You can get a sneak peek of the book with my 4-Day Devotional Simplifying Rest.


Need more rest? Join the club.

Well, it’s not an actual club with a free secret decoder ring, but you will receive a digital download of my 4-Day Devotional, Simplifying Rest, as a free gift. Plus, the 4th of each month I’ll send you 4 resources to help you get the rest you need. YES! I need more rest!