Give Up Control to Find Rest

Forget about who wears the pants in your family. Instead ask yourself: Who wears the crown?

It’s easy enough to read in Scripture or sing out during a Sunday worship song that “He reigns.” But, it’s another thing entirely to choose to kneel down and submit to His authority on a daily basis, in all areas of our lives. 


What happens when we participate in a daily spiritual coronation of the King?

We find rest. We stop fighting to be in control of the things and situations out of our control. Why? Because the Lord reigns. Not us.

We can trust Him to never abdicate His throne, to never abandon us, to never stop fighting for us...even when we fight against Him and His authority. 

The Lord reigns all of the time and over ALL. He doesn’t need a daily reminder of Who He is, but it sure helps us to keep our lives and purpose in perspective. And there is rest to be found when we trust in Him daily.

“I have set the LORD always before me.

Because he is at my right hand ,

I will not be shaken.

Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices;

My body will also rest secure.” -Psalm 16:8,9

Need more rest? Join the club.

Well, it’s not an actual club with a free secret decoder ring, but you will receive a digital download of my 4-Day Devotional, Simplifying Rest, as a free gift. Plus, the 4th of each month I’ll send you 4 resources to help you get the rest you need. YES! I need more rest!

RestL RowellRest, devotional