Spiritual Attacks Disguised as Busyness

What if? Spiritual attacks are disguised as busyness.

The Lord invites you to rest.

“Slow down. Take a deep breath. What’s your hurry?” (Jeremiah 2:25)

But, your busyness tells you that you don’t have time.

Jesus invites you to rest.

“Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” (Mark 6:31) 

But, your busyness tells you that you don’t have time.

Busyness Distracts Us from God & the Rest He Offers Us

Yes. Raising your children matters to God. Yes. Your work outside the home matters to God. Yes. Your volunteering matters to God. Yes. Your relationships with others matter to God. But, your rest matters to Him, too. He created the gift of rest for you. 

Your busyness keeps you separated from this holy communion with Him. Your busyness isolates you from His peace and comfort that you encounter when you rest under His shadow. Your busyness will break you. Your busyness will steal your joy. Not all at once, but day by day, slowly, so you barely notice.

Turning towards the Lord & His Rest

But, it’s never too late to turn towards the Lord and choose to rest. Start small. Try spending 1 percent of your day with Him resting. Breathing deeply. Walking in the woods or by the lake. Reading scripture or listening to worship music. Take those 14 minutes to connect with Him and disconnect from the lie that you don’t have time to rest.


Need more rest? Join the club.

Well, it’s not an actual club with a free secret decoder ring, but you will receive a digital download of my 4-Day Devotional, Simplifying Rest, as a free gift. It’s a sneak peak of my 28-day devotional, Simplifying Rest. Plus, once a month I’ll send you encouragement and resources to help you get the rest you need. YES! I need more rest!

RestL Rowellrest, busyness