Rest in Peace in Life

Don’t wait until your life is over to Rest In Peace. Rest in peace in life.

Rest in peace knowing that God created you for work and for rest. Both are part of His plan. Rest in peace and let go of the lie that you don’t have time to take a break, to sit down, to breathe deeply and exhale fully. Rest in peace knowing that God showed us the value of rest right from the very beginning. Not because He needed it but because He knew that we did.

So, rest in peace in life.
“By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.” Genesis 2:2


Need more rest? Join the club.

Well, it’s not an actual club with a free secret decoder ring, but you will receive a digital download of my 4-Day Devotional, Simplifying Rest, as a free gift. Plus, the 4th of each month I’ll send you 4 resources to help you get the rest you need. YES! I need more rest!

RestL RowellScripture, rest